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6 Books That Will Change Your Life

As we awaken to new possibilities and start to understand how our thoughts and emotions can change our reality it is important to explore new tools and ideas as we start to formulate our new thought patterns and anchor this new knowledge in some sort of everyday scientific context.

For many people having an understanding of the mechanics of how we create our reality helps them let go of outdated negative belief systems and gives them a glimpse into the unlimited possibilities of the Universe.

We have chosen these 6 Books from some of our favorite authors to give you a variety of perspectives and help you better understand your power as a Conscious Co-Creator.





Enjoy your reading and the new...

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How to Start a Meditation Practice


Meditation is all about helping you consciously create a new “mind-set” that is in line with what you want to create for yourself.

Your life is a physical manifestation of the thoughts that you have.

The problem is that most people’s thoughts and feelings are on auto-pilot and are fueled by years of unconscious programming and outdated self- destructive beliefs.

Meditation has numerous health benefits that have been confirmed in thousands of scientific studies around the world and is a powerful tool for personal transformation.

Research has shown that having purpose and meaning in life increases overall well-being and life satisfaction, improves mental and physical health, enhances resilience, builds self-esteem and decreases chances of depression.

 Finding meaning and purpose can therefore have profound effects on how you experience and see the world around you.

Millions of people meditate every day.

Top performers in many different fields all have a...

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5 Tips to Help You Manifest Intentionally


Energy flows where intention goes... What are you manifesting in your life?

We are masters at manifesting, that is not the problem.

We unconsciously do it every day.

What we need to change is what we focus on and give our energy to...

You are what you think of most.

Our job is to help you set a new blueprint for your thoughts and feelings, and help you lock into the power of manifestation and Law of Attraction.

You already are a Master at Manifestation.

The problem is that you continuously manifest the things that you don’t want in your life.

You are creating them every day and doing a GREAT job at it. You have nailed it!!

And you continuously feed those things with a substantial amount of emotion and feeling everyday like clockwork.

It has become so routine that now it has actually become a habit and because it is a habit it is now on auto-pilot.

You no longer have to Consciously, make a CHOICE to manifest it, it just shows up automatically because that is the...

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Share Your Gifts With The World & Follow your Joy

As we awaken in our own unique journey of Self Discovery it often times becomes almost impossible to reconcile our everyday working reality with that of our Higher Self and our desire to be of Service to Humanity.

The everyday grind of 9 to 5 working for something or someone who no longer resonates with the life we wish for ourselves and our families becomes almost unbearable and is one of the main reasons so many people are unhappy and feel hopeless.

Life is supposed to be lived, enjoyed and every special moment cherished with those we love. 

We somehow have forgotten to follow our joy and have settled for second best and as a result created a reality that does not reflect what we deserve or desire.

Every single one of us has something that we are naturally good at and we can help others with. Our "Zone of Genius", that something that lights us up inside and we get lost in, and time just disappears and brings us authentic joy and gives us a sense of pride and nurtures our...

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5 Things You Can do Today to Change Your Life

We all want positive change.

We all want to take our lives to the next level and reach those sometimes elusive goals we set for ourselves, but somehow they remain an impossible dream, a fleeting figment of our imagination drowned out by the constant demands of our daily lives.

Change can be scary and exciting.

It demands that we do things differently and we give up some of those familiar routines that only serve to keep us locked into the current Status Quo.

In order for change to be meaningful and sustainable it must be intentional.


Here are 5 things you can intentionally change today in order to help you lay the foundation for the positive change you want to manifest in your life:

  1. Be Specific. The Universe needs specifics. You need to define what you want and have clear goals. Make a list of the things you want to change.
  2. Incorporating 5 minutes of mindful meditation into your early morning routine will have massive impact in the way your day will unfold. It will help you...
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Transform Your Life and the World Around You


Understanding the mechanics of how we influence our physical world and the people around us is the first step towards achieving the elusive change that we desire in our lives.

Numerotherapy looks at you holistically, as a whole being, not only physical but energetic as well.

Once we acknowledge that we are energy beings having a temporary physical experience we will be able to make the connection between how our energy, emotions and intention influences matter around us.

Numerotherapy is a powerful tool for self discovery and self healing as it will show you how you have been managing your resources up to this point.

  • It will help you pin point areas that need to be re-evaluated and beliefs that are not serving you well at a particular point in this life journey. 

  • it will give you the tools to recalibrate your feelings and emotions in conjunction with your energetic output into the physical world and help you to set a new course which is more positive and impactful on...
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Learn How To Find Purpose and Direction



More and more people are feeling lost and without direction.

They feel hopelessly stuck in a situation, relationship or mind set and are paralyzed by the fear of not knowing what they should be doing or if they are doing the right thing.

This is where Numerotherapy can help.

Numerotherapy is a hybrid of two different systems namely ancient numerology and metaphysics that Andrea and Samantha has developed over the last 25 years to help their clients empower themselves.

It is based on case studies, workshops and life coaching sessions, using a combination of techniques and modalities ranging from numerology, aura imaging, Reiki and energy healing, affirmations, visualization and meditation.

You can use the numerology part of the system to make a “life map” that will uncover your strengths, weaknesses and major lessons to learn and will give you the coordinates you need to set a new positive direction in your life. 

The metaphysics part of the system will...

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Numerotherapy as a Tool for Self-Healing


When we decided to write our book Recalculating…The GPS for the Soul our main aim was to help our readers to understand that our actions and thoughts have a huge effect on not only ourselves but our world, our health, our relationships and our self made reality.

We live in a world where people have become plugged in to technology and find themselves on call 24/7, in an attempt to keep up with the latest and greatest and not miss a thing, when in actual fact by doing so they miss everything important and meaningful.

We are told by society and the propaganda of mainstream media how we should look, dress and feel about ourselves.

We are constantly being told that if we buy this or do that, the pieces of the puzzle will all magically fall into place and we will have that dream life, dream car and dream relationship.

The reality is that despite all this technology we seem to be more lost than ever, and unfortunately have forgotten who we really are.

This is where...

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The Role of Faith in the Creative Process

"We only can create that which we can conceive as possible in our lives"


The biggest obstacle in creating a life that we would enjoy and live fully is this insane notion that we need to fit in to the status quo and postpone everything we would like to do, or rather simply ignore it as some annoying nagging desire that gets in the way of us “making a living”.

I don’t know about you, but I personally find this amusing and often catch myself wondering what a different world we would live in if people actually did give themselves permission to simply live in the now and enjoy it.

We are co-creators and we create every day, but most of our creations are not exactly what we would like to see in our lives, because they are fueled by our perceived fears and limited by our own destructive belief systems, specially the belief that we do not deserve to be happy.

We are a product of our own environment and begin to be programmed by our parents, family, society and...

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