Recalculating The GPS for the Soul - Get your copy here

Share Your Gifts With The World & Follow your Joy

As we awaken in our own unique journey of Self Discovery it often times becomes almost impossible to reconcile our everyday working reality with that of our Higher Self and our desire to be of Service to Humanity.

The everyday grind of 9 to 5 working for something or someone who no longer resonates with the life we wish for ourselves and our families becomes almost unbearable and is one of the main reasons so many people are unhappy and feel hopeless.

Life is supposed to be lived, enjoyed and every special moment cherished with those we love. 

We somehow have forgotten to follow our joy and have settled for second best and as a result created a reality that does not reflect what we deserve or desire.

Every single one of us has something that we are naturally good at and we can help others with. Our "Zone of Genius", that something that lights us up inside and we get lost in, and time just disappears and brings us authentic joy and gives us a sense of pride and nurtures our...

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