Energy flows where intention goes... What are you manifesting in your life?
We are masters at manifesting, that is not the problem.
We unconsciously do it every day.
What we need to change is what we focus on and give our energy to...
You are what you think of most.
Our job is to help you set a new blueprint for your thoughts and feelings, and help you lock into the power of manifestation and Law of Attraction.
You already are a Master at Manifestation.
The problem is that you continuously manifest the things that you don’t want in your life.
You are creating them every day and doing a GREAT job at it. You have nailed it!!
And you continuously feed those things with a substantial amount of emotion and feeling everyday like clockwork.
It has become so routine that now it has actually become a habit and because it is a habit it is now on auto-pilot.
You no longer have to Consciously, make a CHOICE to manifest it, it just shows up automatically because that is the blueprint you have set for it.
Here are 5 Tips to help you push the re-set button and start consciously manifesting what you do want in your life:
1. Be very specific and actually write down what you want. I know this sounds super basic and almost silly but the Universe needs specifics, and the more specific you are the more clear your intention is the better the results will be.
2. Be prepared to let go of what you don't want. What??? Let go of my comfort zone?? YES...Remember we are already manifesting things on auto-pilot. We need to replace those familiar things with new habits and new choices and this can be hard for some people specially if it will upset the "Status Quo" and make others feel uncomfortable, but if you truly want the things you wrote down you are going to have to make some changes around here...
3. Take back your energy and start investing your resources in more productive and intentional ways. It happens to us all, we want to help people and land up drained, exhausted and wondering why our efforts in our own personal life are not paying dividends. Our failures help no one, but our successes help many so start intentionally channeling your energy in pro-active and productive ways that are inline with what you want to manifest and empower your own dreams for a change. The results will help and uplift all around you.
4. Start making time for yourself. Yes you heard that right!! Making time for yourself is an essential part of self-care and helps you to evaluate what is in alignment with your Soul and what needs to helps you focus on what really matters to you and discover ways to de-clutter your mind so that you can focus on what brings you Joy...emotional charge is the key to manifestation!!!
5. Follow your JOY...I know you are thinking what??? But following your joy throughout the day builds momentum and you need as much of your positive emotional charge as possible to start to create a new empowered blueprint that will reprogram how you think and feel about what is possible in your life...if you do this consistently it becomes a new habit and as things start to shift and change you will naturally give it more energy...
Start intentionally giving your energy to only the things that you truly want to manifest in your life and watch as the Universe takes care of the logistics!!!
Andrea Stauch and Samantha Schachtel are the co-creators of Numerotherapy and co-authors of the book Recalculating...The GPS for the Soul.
Andrea is an accomplished Inspirational Artist, Holistic Therapist, Author, Radio Talk Show Host, Medical Intuitive and Master Numerologist.
Samantha has been in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness for more than twenty five years. She is an accomplished Real Estate Staging & Mindfulness Expert, Author, Metaphysician, Holistic Therapist and Life Coach.
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