Join us on this Beautiful Journey

Welcome to our Online Course called Tools for Change designed to help you Transform your Life and Recalculate The GPS for your Soul

Here's What You'll Learn

By taking this course today, you'll get a Step by Step Blueprint to follow to achieve Your Version of an Empowered Joyful and Stress Free Life

In this course we will help you really take action, dig deep and find the solutions to each and every one of the stumbling blocks you have been up against up to now.

  • The first module will help you understand the science behind our reality and how we can change our mind set as well as give you the metaphysical meaning behind the numbers. 

"When you are born you mathematically lock into quantum possibilities encoded in the vibration of the name and date that you were given at birth. In life it is up to you to make the "choices" that will manifest those possibilities in the material world."

  • The second module will guide you through your Foundation for Change and help you create your own unique Life Map as well as help you reconnect to your Higher Self through a beautiful guided meditation designed as a tool that will help you dig really deep and uncover your hidden talents revealed in your name as well as reconnect with your childhood dreams.

" Once you realize that each Soul is unique, you begin to embrace your uniqueness. When you are true to who you are, you will finally give up trying to be someone else. You will realize that you are living your truth, your power, your mission."

At this point you will be able to release a lot of negative self talk, outdated belief systems, as well as address the inner critic and Self Sabotage.

  • The third module will introduce you to your Major Lessons to Learn that are encoded in the day you were born and give you a really in depth look at your current "Status Quo", you will be able to see which of these are still current issues and how if we are not addressing them they will manifest as physical Symptoms in the body.

"It will help you identify the profound correlation between not listening to your life lessons and the manifestation of "dis-ease" on the physical body."

The guided meditation activity will help you really be honest about what issues you are up against and help you start to address them in an authentic and meaningful way.

  • The fourth module will highlight the importance of relationships as a platform for growth and introduce you to the human energy fields, chakras and how our mind set and emotions affect our self made reality.

"Once you understand the mechanics of how we influence our physical world and the people around us you can begin to Consciously Create and design the life that you want to live."

The meditation activity will highlight the fact that thought creates form and that thoughts and emotions are powerful tools for transformation.

  • The fifth module will help you take stock of what you have learned and make the all important Commitment for Change.

" We all want to live a conscious, productive, sustainable and synchronistic existence that is in harmony with nature and the rhythm of the Universe. Co-Creating a new life style that is gentle on the planet and affords us a balanced and joyful existence".

  • The final module in this course will help you make your own blueprint for success and intentionally Create the life that you truly want to live by using:
  • Your Talents
  • Working on your Life Lessons
  • Acknowledging that we are energy beings and we can change our vibration & frequency
  • Embracing your True Authentic Self
  • Intentionally Co-Creating our Life
  • Focusing on what you do want and not on what you don't
  • and cultivating a healthy relationship with Yourself.


"These two women have been such an incredible movement in my life, There really arenā€™t enough words to describe the impact that theyā€™ve had on me. I canā€™t even limit it to one area, they have help me physically, spiritually, mentally and magically. "

Camila Rhodes

Stop Self Sabotaging Your Success

Click the button to start your transformation now and start intentionally creating a life that you want to live... The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it.


50% Complete

Two Step

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